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Newsletter September 2023

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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” -John Muir

Dear Friends of Just Nature Expeditions,

It is with great pleasure that we reach out to you again. During this time, we have been enriched
with experiences that have taken us closer to nature. We received what we sought and much
more. Our journeys led us to see the orangutan in Borneo and we came back seeing much more.
The orangutan was the highlight but there were several other interesting encounters with
unexpected species. The colugo (a flying lemur) was one such pleasant surprise and the western
tarsier was another small nocturnal gem. There were several other primates to be seen, flying
squirrels and all of the hornbills that exist in the Sabah province of Borneo. Then we journeyed
to Kenya to witness the annual migration as it enters Masai Mara National Reserve. Masai
Mara never disappoints and we were blessed with several sightings of lion, cheetah, leopard and
black rhino, the most difficult of the big five to see. As part of the unique experiences
offered by Just Nature Expeditions, we explored the African savanna on horseback and got
lucky to see leopards, elephants, hyenas, jackals, buffalo and other herbivores, all horseback.
Watch the experience here


In the last two months, we have completed two curated expeditions to Borneo and Masai Mara that yielded some remarkable sightings and long-lasting memories. The next expedition is one of the most exciting trips we have on offer, The Jaguars of Pantanal. We then make our way to
Sri Lanka where we search for leopards, sloth bears and whales.
Our good friend and associate Sagar Gosavi will be leading a photo safari to Kaziranga in the new year. And then we hit the snow leopard season with trips planning to both Spiti and Ladakh. Soon we will also be launching other lesser-known domestic wildlife destinations, so do stay tuned.

Can’t make the dates, we can design a program just for you…

Ask our team to tailor an itinerary to all our destinations as per your unique needs.


The largest cat in the western hemisphere and the third largest cat in the world, the jaguar, Panthera onca is found right from Mexico to Argentina. But one of the best places to see them is the Pantanal (where we go next), the world’s largest wetland that covers an area almost the size of Germany. Jaguars are formidable hunters and they are believed to have the strongest bite for any cat on earth. Unlike the other Panthera species that suffocate their prey, jaguars kill by a direct bite to the skull. Their prey is diverse and like most cats, they are quite opportunistic. But in most of their range, they tend to hunt capybara, peccaries and caiman, as these species are most abundant. Many people may mistake a jaguar for a leopard but jaguars are larger with blocky rosettes that have distinct internal spots and of course, they are only found in Central and South America. The species is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation, conflict with local people due to the real or perceived threat posed to livestock and overhunting of the jaguar’s prey. It is the apex predator in the area of its distribution and conserving the jaguar will not only protect the species but its habitat and prey as well.


The Masai Mara trip was crafted and customized to perfection. From the day we embarked on this
journey, it was a new experience every moment. The early rouse to beat the rising sun to catching the
sundown, in the middle of some amazing animals….. The never-ending zeal to get up early the next
day to catch the same adventure… all such fun… The thoughtfulness put into every aspect of the trip
was evident, from the well-planned itinerary to the seamless logistics. Each day brought forth new
surprises, whether watching the infinite plains or the encounters with incredible wildlife, and the
sounds of great hippos or the wild laugh of the hyena in the middle of the night… all created
countless moments of thrill and exhilaration. Kudos to you and your team Aly… And not to shy
away from the superb company that we all enjoyed between ourselves. knowing you all has been no
less a pleasure. Thank you all so much… Bhanu and Madhu Inani, Indore, India