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Magnificent Maasai

There is a land of greatness, where beings have roamed since the Earth’s early days, where people have an innate relationship with nature, where the quintessential African wildlife abounds. In the vast openness of the Maasai Mara, adventure waits for you!


Maasai Mara is one of Africa’s most renowned destinations for its landscape, wildlife and people. The Maasai people have lived here for more than 3000 years. The name Mara is derived from a Maasai word, which means “spotted”, to depict how the landscape looks sparsely dotted with trees. Maasai Mara is a 1500sm km reserve adjoining the Serengeti National Park to form the Serengeti Maasai Ecosystem.


The Maasai is perhaps best known for being the host of the Great Migration, a phenomenon that simply has to be experienced in person. This experience has rightly earned the tag of one of the Wonders of the World, and you must see it on your next trip to Masai Mara. Herds of millions of wildebeest, Thompson’s Gazelle, and Zebras move from the Southern Serengeti towards Maasai Mara in the north during the months of January and February.

But of course, being savannah regions, the big 5 are found here in plentiful numbers as well. The Lion, African Elephant, Leopard, African Buffalo and Rhino are all found here. Hyenas, Giraffes and Cheetahs complete the list of the park’s most famous big animals, and you should plan a walking safari in Maasai Mara or a jeep safari at a safari lodge in Maasai Mara to witness their majesty.

What We Like About Maasai Mara:

  1. You can explore the grasslands in multiple ways. A jeep safari is traditional, but a walking safari as we mentioned is the most thrilling way to experience the Mara. For those that want a more premium touch to their Maasai Mara trip, hot air balloon rides and chartered planes that fly over the grasslands are also options!
  2. The conservancies in Maasai Mara are both privately owned as well as government owned, which means that you will be giving back to the community during the entirety of your trip.
  3. Some places have experiences where you can have breakfast in the company of the wild park animals, who will sometimes come right up to your table as a surprise!

Embark on an unforgettable African adventure with Just Nature Expeditions! Explore our specially curated Masai Mara safari packages from India and dive into the heart of Kenya’s wilderness. Experience the thrill of witnessing the Great Migration, spotting the Big Five, and discovering the majestic landscapes of the Masai Mara and Serengeti National Park. Each package is expertly tailored to ensure you capture the essence of these iconic destinations. Explore our Kenya safari packages from India here and prepare for the journey of a lifetime!