Snow leopards (Panthera uncia) are semi-aquatic mammals that belong to the family Felidae, which also includes lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars.
Snow leopards adapt to cold mountains with fur, paw, tail, and respiratory systems. They're elusive, active at dawn/dusk, and migrate for survival.
They play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the food chain by controlling the population of herbivores and other small animals. They also help in dispersing seeds and nutrients through their faeces and urine.
Snow leopards are one of the most amazing and adorable animals that you can see in Spiti Valley. They are not only a delight to watch, but also a vital part of the Spiti Valley ecosystem.
By joining the Snow Leopard Spiti Expedition, you can learn more about these snow leopard adaptations and their survival strategies and appreciate their contribution to the rich heritage of India.